Saturday, March 8, 2008

Flambeau Inc. 2

Before reading this second communication with Flambeau I recommend reading the original. The idea with this second letter was to get a little nuttier

This is the postcard I sent. I'm not sure why, but I REALLY enjoyed suggesting she hang it in her cubicle at work. For all I know she has a corner office with a view.

I really thought the 2nd response would be similar to the first. Of all the responses I imagined, this was NOT one of them. There was no actual letter. Just 3 things. This invoice and....

TWO Yo-Yo's! If anyone is wondering, they kept the $10.00. I think it was a bargain though. I did a web search and these things go for $16 or so apiece.

1 comment:

Scott Bulger Photography said...

Score! Two classic yo-yo's for ten bucks!