I am quite satisfied with this response. It may be short but it's also specific. That said Hal may write Kelly back with a follow up request.
Sometime in 1999 Hal decided he should have a second resume. This one is less colorful, but careful reading reveals it's no less absurd. His history here is completely different. Jake's Chevrolet is a subtle reference to one of my all time favorite comedians Jake Johannsen who hails from Iowa
Imagine my shock when they said they were into it!
You think they could spell my name correctly and get my gender right.
I took them long enough to respond. They were probably off on a 3 month coffee break. But how kind of them to provide the address for my next letter. That's service!
The great part of this response to me is that Ted obviously gets the joke. But he was still kind enough to play along.
Sadly, all my enthusiasm was met with a form letter. And they actually returned my original letter. I guess they didn't want to store the evidence in case they came up with this "on their own" later.
Always glad to see a member of the legal team engaged. I just wish there was a way to calculate how many overall man hours I've wasted at various companies. No sense of humor and no coupons. "Most of the unsolicited ideas have already been considered." I would have killed to be in the board room that day.
An Ongoing Collection of Absurd Correspondence