Saturday, December 15, 2007


An early classic if I do say so myself. A friend and coworker planted the seed for this letter in my head. He's mentioned in the letter. In fact it's the only time I use a real name for one of my friends, relatives or associates. I remember that of all the letters I had written to this point, this is the one, that people I showed them to talked about the most, at the time. It was eventually surpassed. But this one really brings me back.

This is not the response I was hoping for. Can you say Lazy?! They sent 2 key chains. I believe I gave the other one to the friend I mentioned above.

Obviously I wasn't going to let them get away without answering me.

This is the sort of response I was hoping for. The last sentence is my favorite.

I thought we were done. I guess Penny really wanted to talk to me. She's practically begging me to dial their toll free number.

How am I supposed to afford stuff in their catalog if Penny won't give me a job?

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